Balanced Healthy Eating Plans

Eating a well balanced diet is important to keep up both stamina and the body working well. It is too easy to start to rely on snacks, processed foods or just caffeine based drinks and think that you are too busy to have a healthy diet. The nutritional values of the food that you use daily may be causing you to realise you need to go "on a diet" and this is not the natural way the body operates. For most adults, getting a diet back in order from high fat and high sugar foods into more beneficial areas of healthy food intake takes some effort. How often have you gone without breakfast for example? How often have you been too busy to take a lunch break? How often is that lunch eaten perched over your P.C or laptop or gulped down whilst doing other tasks at lunchtime?

If you don't consume the adequate amount of carbs, and you are active, you are doing a bad thing to your body. If your body is active and it does not have enough carbs to fuel itself, the body will be on a starvation mode. Thus, by consuming fewer carbs, your body will start to burn stored fats. This may sound like a good thing, keep in mind that your brain needs carbs and fat as well. Carbs should never be eliminated from your diet for any period of time. Your brain will slow down with a low carb diet. Your body needs carbs for energy in order to access your fat.

Then you need to know how much of the different groups of food you need read more to consume. Then you will also have to find out about how many calories these groups offer you. So you will need to get your research done on this.

In order to get the best diet, we occasionally go to lengths to get the expensive foods. This is unnecessary. All food has its own purpose; all food has its own nutrient that will aid the body well. The main difference oftentimes is in the marketing, who endorses it and just how successful is the actual hype. Or else the difference isn't much, just the price.

In actual fact, fats, as opposed to carbohydrates are the main supply of stored energy contained within our bodies. There is a lot of scientific evidence to back this up, as well. Now glycogen, is the principle source of our body's carbohydrates. Since glycogen is quite bulky and holds a large amount of water, our body is not able to store very much of it. On the other hand, fat has the ability to be tightly packed without the presence of water. Therefore, fat can store a much greater amount of energy than glycogen can, especially in a confined space.

A Balanced diet is high in carbohydrates, low in fat and protein. A good ratio is somewhere between 80/10/10 and 60/20/20 (Carbohydrates/Protein/Fat). These ratios have been proven by several studies.

Meal times for our family back then would be an event. We would all gather and enjoy our meals together, even breakfast. It would be a social occasion as well as a time of replenishment. How different today. We are all guilty of it. We snatch a quick sandwich whenever we can. We guzzle down a coke whilst we drive. Most of our time eating is spent while we do other things; and quite often in isolation. To a large extent, the art of eating has been lost. It is quite unusual these days for a family to sit down all together at a table to enjoy a social meal. We are all far to busy, or even worse, far more interested in finishing that computer game or watching that program on the TV. We pay very little attention to the food we eat. As long as we stop feeling hungry, we are happy.

The vitamins can be obtained from eating vegetables and fruits. Both these food groups are very important as without these a healthy balanced diet just cannot be obtained.

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